The portfolio is not the prerogative of photographers or other creative professionals. It is a document that presents your professional achievements. Indeed, whatever your profession, the portfolio concretely presents your best achievements to a recruiter. Therefore, zoom in this article on the information about the portfolio.
What is a portfolio and what is its purpose ?
The portfolio can be presented in different forms, paper or digital. Unlike a resume, which has strict rules, the aspects and contents of a portfolio are completely free. However, the portfolio is not a compilation of unrelated documents. It is a structured and hierarchical tool that provides evidence of your expertise. In this regard,hop over to this web-site and you will discover that the portfolio is a tool to demonstrate one's talents. Therefore, be careful with the presentation in order to highlight the elements that you are most proud of. Indeed, the portfolio does not replace a CV, but rather accompanies and illustrates it. Since it takes longer to read and is spread over several pages, it will generally not be examined by an employer before a pre-selection. It is therefore a learning and evaluation tool for both the recruiter and the applicant. Therefore, by putting all your best achievements into perspective, you are encouraged to ask yourself what skills you need to develop and what challenges you need to overcome.
Is the portfolio still necessary ?
Today, the portfolio is used to demonstrate skills. It allows you to group together the achievements of a person or a company. The portfolio can be presented to prospective clients to corroborate know-how. However, the process of building a portfolio itself will help you become a more effective candidate. Whether you are looking for a new job, this presentation tool can make the difference between you and your competitors. You will identify in this sense, the skills you have acquired during your different experiences and how they relate to the career or project that interests you. Building a portfolio will then help you to know yourself better and to sort out your professional skills and competences. Consequently, this documentation of yourself will help you to better present yourself during a future oral interview. In conclusion, if the digital portfolio is recognized as a pedagogical tool in line with current approaches, it is no less true that its use requires good planning and that this planning must take into account various elements. Indeed, with new technologies, it is now possible to create digital portfolios that offer additional advantages to the classic version.